Social Studies

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Red Pedagogy

An excellent book about the relevance of and need for Indigenous forms of education as a means to cultural survival for Indigenous peoples and for the survival of the human bioshere as a whole. For myself, it more clearly defines and distniguishes two paradigms: Indigenous civilization versus Colonial civilization.(Education) 

Power and Place

Examines the issues facing Native American students as they progress through schools, colleges and on into professions.This collection of sixteen essays is at once philosophical, practical and visionary.It is an effort to open the discussion about the unique experience of Native Americans and offers a concise reference for administrators, educators, students and community leaders involved with Indian education.(Indigenous Education) 

Perversions of Justice

A very interesting discussion of the legal realities of the relationships between Indigenous peoples of North America and the United States. Topics included are International Law, Rights of Conquest, Decolonization, Indian Identity, Genocide and the Peculiar Slant Of American History.(History/Native American Studies) 

Lies My Teacher Told Me

Easily one of the most illuminating books about American History ever written.Cuts through the hype right to the bare bones of the story.History is more often used to justify what has happened than to inform people about the past, and not knowing the lessons of history consigns a people to a repeat of their mistakes.Mr. Loewen opines that History’s lack of popularity with many students is a result of the teaching of history that neither makes sense nor requires people to really think about the causes of events and the motivations of the History makers.History/Education) 

Lies Across America

An interesting examination of one hundred historical sites across America. The theme is to overturn myths and misinformation that often pass for American History, and in so doing, to get people to think critically and ask questions rather than just accept whatever they read or are told.(History) 

Killing the White Man's Indian

The author focuses on ending stereotyping of Native Americans. He assaults both anti-Native prejudice and liberal sentimentality and strives to re-write some of the histories with an eye on a fuller story. There are no good guy/bad guy stories, here, so that even the most tragic stories are told with an interest in how people behaved under the stress of cultural assault, rather than condemning the assaulters.(which he does but it isn’t his focus) So, for example, along with the Trail of Tears story, he tells of the black slave revolt on the Cherokee reservation in Oklahoma.


The story of a Gorilla who tries to save mankind from its most self-destructive impulses: to conquer other people,to manage/control nature, to view itself as having dominion over the earth and to place higher value on material posessions than on life itself. Ishmael is a gifted teacher who has the advantage of seeing things from outside of the perspective of the mentally colonized victims of “civilization”…(Indigenous Worldview/Culture/Philosophy) 

God is Red

A book about Native spirituality and the failure of Christianity to take its’ place because of the inability of that institution to operate according to its’ stated principles.(Indigenous Culture and Worldview) 


Flight is the story of a native teen who is very familiar with the streets and the system of foster care. Through a series of events he finds himself traveling through space and time experiencing revenge, loss, courage and compassion through the eyes of many different people. This is a story that any young person can relate to and especially urban native youth.(Literature) 


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