Tribal Law
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Well-known scholars of Federal Indian Law undertake a comprehensive examination of the relationship between Indigenous nations and the U.S. Constitution that identifies the causes of confusion and inconsistent application that are the Hallmarks of Federal Indian Law and U.S. Indian policy.(Federal Indian Law/Treaties)
A compilation of stories depicting the on-going struggles of Indigenous North American peoples to retain not only their lands, but their integrity, culture, language and their very Health, in the face of genocidal exploitation by corporate America.The author makes a very valid point that this very serious threat to Indigenous peoples also represents a threat to all North Americans, as the ecological havoc being wreaked cannot be contained within reservation areas.
A very interesting discussion of the legal realities of the relationships between Indigenous peoples of North America and the United States. Topics included are International Law, Rights of Conquest, Decolonization, Indian Identity, Genocide and the Peculiar Slant Of American History.(History/Native American Studies)
An excellent resource on that murky topic known as Federal Indian Law. Contains writings that are topically arranged, which offer insights into the complexity and diversity of Native American political life. The writings are followed by critical studies that offer perspectives from a variety of Indigenous Nations as they continue to struggle for survival.A collection of stories and essays about Native American political life, each introduced by the editor.
A comprehensive study of contemporary Native American nations and their historical relationships with the United States government. Covers a vast amount of material including culture and spirituality as well the complex legal issues arising from so many years of unfettered opportunism on the part of the US and its citizens.(History/Federal Indian Law)